Monographs, edited volumes and guest-edited journals
Kuehn, S. and Buturovic, A., eds. (forthcoming) Female Spiritual Visions: The Religious Visual Culture of Contemporary Female Islamic Mysticism (Women and Gender series, Leiden: Brill)
Kuehn, S., Albera, D. and Pénicaud, M., guest editors of the Special Issue of Religiographies 1/1 Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division (2022)
Kuehn, S., Leder, S. and Pökel. H.-P., eds. (2019) The Intermediate Worlds of Angels. Islamic Representations of Celestial Beings in Transcultural Contexts, edited volume with 15 chapters (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 114, Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut; Ergon Verlag in Kommission)
More Information
Reviewed: Arabica 69 (2022), 231–243
Kuehn, S. (2016) Monsters or Bearers of Life-Giving Powers? Trans-Religious Migrations of an Ancient Western Asian Symbolism. With a Foreword by Lokesh Chandra (New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts)
Kuehn, S. (2011) The Dragon in Medieval East Christian and Islamic Art. With a Foreword by Robert Hillenbrand (Islamic History and Civilization: Studies and Texts 86, Leiden: Brill 2011)
More Information
Awarded: 20th World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2013, issued by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Reviewed: Journal of Studies in the Christian Culture of Asia and Africa (The State Hermitage Museum/Russian Academy of Science) 9/15 (2021), 409–418; Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques 28 (2012), 118; Eastern Christian Art 9 (2012-2013), 119–124; Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 103 (2013), 499–501; The Journal of Oriental and African Studies 22 (2013), 330–333; The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (September 2015), 1–2
Chapters in books and journal articles
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Entangled Sanctity: Sarı Saltuk and St. George in the Ottoman Balkans,” in: Entangled Sufism in (Post-)Ottoman Europe: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches, eds. Cem Kara, Evelyn Reuter, and Zsófia Turóczy (London: Routledge)
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Rose Blossoms, Ashura Pudding, and a ‘Golden Trophy’: Embodied Material Traces of Islamic Mysticism in Ottoman Hungary,” in: Material Religion, Special Issue “Materiality of Religion in Central-Eastern Europe,” guest editor Csaba Szabó
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Metamorphosis, Mediation, Mannāt: Sufi Spiritual Ecology and Endangered Animals in Bangladesh and Pakistan,” in: The Journal of Religion, Nature and Culture, Special Issue “Religion and the Experience of Nature,” guest editor Matthias Egeler
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Sufi Materiality in Islamic Painting,” in: Sufi Material Culture, eds. Th. Zarcone and A. Papas (Handbook of Sufi Studies, Leiden: Brill).
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Vom Schmerz der Gottesliebe verwundet“: Die rosenförmigen Brandmale des Gül Baba,” in: Die Materialität religiöser Emotionen im Christentum, Judentum und Islam, ed. Ulrike Gleixner, Wolfenbütteler Hefte (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek / Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag)
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Cyclical Time, Nature Spirits, and Translation Activities: The Transreligious Role of the Meeting of Khiḍr and Ilyās in the Balkans,” in: Khwaja Khidr from the Middle East to the Balkans: A Survey of a Multireligious Figure, eds. M. Boivin and M. Pénicaud (New York and London: Routledge)
Kuehn, S. (2023) “The Literal and the Hidden in Some Albanian Bektashi Religious Materialities,” in: Beyond Karbala: New Approaches to Shīʿi Materiality, eds. C. Funke, F.G. Marei, Y. Shanneik (Shia Texts and Studies, Leiden: Brill)
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Buddhists, Turks, and Trees: Some Notes on the Practice of Khalwa of the Early Khalwatīyya in Visual and Textual Sources,” in: The Khalwatiyya Soufi Order - L'Ordre soufi Khalwatiyya, Journal of the History of Sufism (JHS), ed. Th. Zarcone, vol. 8
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Multiplication, Translocation and Adaptation: Sari Saltuq’s Multiple Embodied Localities Throughout Eastern Europe” in: Constructing and Contesting Holy Places in Medieval Islam and Beyond, eds. A. Görke and M. Guidetti (Islamic History and Civilization series, Leiden: Brill)
Kuehn, S. (2023) “The Interplay of the Angels and the Prophet Muḥammad in the Earliest Images of the Prophet in Islamic Book Arts,” in: Medieval Angelology: An Interfaith Exploration of Angels, ed. J.-A. Greeley (Cardiff: University of Wales Press)
Kuehn, S. (2023) “Contemporary Art and Sufi Aesthetics in European Context,” in: Special Issue “Sufism in the Modern World,” ed. S. Zarrabi-Zadeh, Religions 14/2: 1–39
S. Kuehn, D. Albera and M. Pénicaud (2022) “Introduction: Religious Sharing, Mixing, and Crossing in the Wider Mediterranean,” in: Special Issue: “Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division,” guest editors D. Albera, S. Kuehn and M. Pénicaud, Religiographies 1/1: 14–21
Kuehn, S. (2022) “Mixed Worship: The Double Cult of Sarı Saltuk and St. Nicholas in the Balkans,” in: Special Issue: “Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division,” guest editors D. Albera, S. Kuehn and M. Pénicaud, Religiographies 1/1: 63–81
Kuehn, S. (2022) “Rachid Koraïchi’s Migratory Aesthetics,” in: Special Issue: “Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division,” guest editors D. Albera, S. Kuehn and M. Pénicaud, Religiographies 1/1: 115–141
Kuehn, S. (2022) “Über Mischwesen in der Kunst des Islam und des östlichen Christentums,” in: Monster, Chimären und andere Mischwesen in den Text- und Bildwelten der Vormoderne, eds. B. Burrichter and D. Klein (Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann)
Kuehn, S. (2022) “Nourishment of Remembrance: Ritual Foodways during Mātam and the ʿĀshurāʾ Feast at Sufi Orders in the Balkans,” in: Food for Gods, Food for Mortals. Culinary and Dining Practices in the Greater Iranian World, eds. S. Farridnejad and T. Daryaee, Čistā. Studies in the History, Cultures and Religions of the Iranian World 1 (Irvine, CA: University of California), 115–141
Kuehn, S. (2021) “‘Ganymede and the Eagle’: Representations of Spiritual Ascent in the Greater Iranian World from Late Antiquity to the Medieval Period,” in: Sasanian Studies. Late Antique Iranian World 1, 179–205. More information
Kuehn, S. (2021) “‘In any case we are Sufis’: the creation of hijra spiritual identity in South Asia,” in: Islamology 11/1, Special Issue: Contesting Boundaries and Producing the Norm: Gender-Related Issues in Islamic Theory and Practice, guest editors M. Kemper and G. Sibgatullina (2021), 38–61
Kuehn, S. (2021) “Piercing the Skin: Pain as a Form of Piety in Rifaʿi Ritual Sensescapes,” in: Collectes sensorielles. Recherche-Musée-Art, eds. V. Dassié, A. Fanlo, M.-L. Gélard, C. Isnart, and F. Molle (Paris: Éditions Pétra), 65–102. More information
Kuehn, S. (2021) “Ästhetik im Islam,” in: Handbuch Islamische Religionspädagogik, ed. E. Aslan (Leiden/Göttingen: Brill | V & R unipress), 563–587. More information
Kuehn, S. (2021) “Monster. Islam,” in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), vol. 19, Midrash and Aggadah – Mourning, eds. C. M. Furey et al (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2021), 909–913. More information
Kuehn, S. (2021) “Miracle. Islam,” in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), vol. 19, Midrash and Aggadah – Mourning, eds. C. M. Furey et al (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2021), 287–291. More information
Kuehn, S. (2021) “Conceptualisations de la Covid-19 : les monstres coronavirus comme avertisseurs, révélateurs et explorateurs,” in: Tour du monde de la Covid-19, eds. S. Kuriyama, O. de Leonardis, C. Sonnenschein, and I. Thioub (Paris: Éditions Manucius 2021), 130–131. More information
Kuehn, S. (2020) “Meditate, Meditation. Islam,” in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), vol. 18, Mass – Midnight, eds. C. M. Furey et al (Boston, Berlin: De Gruyter), 441–444. More Information
Kuehn, S. (2020) “A Saint ‘On The Move’: Traces in the Evolution of a Landscape of Religious Memory in the Balkans,” in: Saintly Spheres and Islamic Landscapes: Emplacements of Spiritual Power Across Time and Place, eds. D. Ephrat, E.S. Wolper, P.G. Pinto (Brill Handbook of Oriental Studies, Leiden: Brill), 117–148. More Information
Kuehn, S. (2019) “‘Watching Myself in the Mirror, I Saw ʿAlī in My Eyes’: On Sufi Visual and Material Practice in the Balkans,” in: Religious Materiality in the Early Modern World. With an Epilogue by Caroline Walker Bynum, eds. S. Ivanić, M. Laven and A. Morrall (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press), 151–173 and colour pls. 8.1 and 8.2. More Information
Kuehn, S. (2019) “The Primordial Cycle Revisited: Adam, Eve and the Celestial Beings,” in: The Intermediate Worlds of Angels. Islamic Representations of Celestial Beings in Transcultural Contexts, eds. S. Leder, S. Kuehn and H.-P. Pökel (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 114, Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut; Ergon Verlag in Kommission), 173–200. More Information
Kuehn, S., S. Leder and H.-P. Pökel (2019) “Introduction,” in: The Intermediate Worlds of Angels. Islamic Representations of Celestial Beings in Transcultural Contexts, eds. S. Leder, S. Kuehn and H.-P. Pökel (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 114, Beirut: Orient-Institut Beirut; Ergon Verlag in Kommission), 11–45. More Information
Kuehn, S. (2019) (with L. Pokorny) “On Ināyati Female Visions in Austria: Female Leadership in the Western Sufi Tradition,” in: Religion in Austria 4 (Vienna: Praesens Verlag), 53–114
Kuehn, S. (2019) “Die verborgene Moschee: zur Sichtbarkeit muslimischer Gebetsräume in Wien (The Hidden Mosque: On the Visibility of Muslim Prayer Rooms in Vienna) by Josef Peter Schuller, Anwendungsorientierte Religionswissenschaft. Beiträge zu gesellschaftlichen und politischen Fragestellungen, Bd. 4, Marburg: Tectum, 2013,” in: Religion in Austria 4 (Vienna: Praesens Verlag), 299–306
Kuehn, S. (2018) “Wild Social Transcendence and the Antinomian Dervish,” in: Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (2018), 254–285; More Information 1 / 2
Kuehn, S. (2017) “On the Transcultural and Transreligious Dimension of the so-called ‘Sēnmurw’,” in: Ein Hildesheimer Drachen-Aquamanile des 12. Jahrhunderts. Objekte und Eliten in Hildesheim, 1130 bis 1250, vol. 1, eds. G. Lutz and J. Olchawa (Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 2017), 103−126; also published in Patrimonia 382 (Berlin: Kulturstiftung der Länder)
Kuehn, S. (2017) “Pilgrimage as Muslim Religious Commemoration: The Case of Ajvatovica in Bosnia-Herzegovina,” in: Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe, eds. I. Flaskerud and R.J. Natvig (New York, NY: Routledge), 98–117
Kuehn, S. (2016) “The Eclipse Demons Rāhu and Ketu in Islamic Astral Sciences,” in: In Umbra: Demonology as a Semiotic System / ДЕМОНОЛОГИЯ КАК СЕМИОТИЧЕСКАЯ СИСТЕМА. АЛЬМАНАХ 5, eds. D. Antonov and O. Khristoforova (Moscow: Indrik), 211–244
Kuehn, S. (2016) “An Unusual Large Circular Compartmented ‘Stamp Seal’ of the Goddess with Animals: Some Thoughts on the Religious Symbol System of the Central Asian Bronze Age Culture of Bactria-Margiana,” in: Transactions of the Margiana Archaeological Expedition: In Memory of Professor Victor Sarianidi 6, eds. N. Dubova, E.V. Antonova, P.M. Kozhin, M.F. Kosarev, R.G. Muradov, R.M. Sataev, A.A. Tishkin (Moscow: Staryi sad), 492–508
Kuehn, S. (2016) “Vestiges of the Ourobóros in Medieval Islamic Visual Tradition,” in: Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz), 169–182
Kuehn, S. (2015) “Twelver Shīʿī Components in Contemporary Bektāši Visual Piety in the Western Balkans?: A Note on Bektāši Visual Culture,” in: NEC Institute for Advanced Study Yearbook 2013–2014 (Bucharest: New Europe College), 289–334
Kuehn, S. “The Dragon in Medieval Islamic Astrology and Its Indian and Iranian Influences,” in: Proceedings of the Indo-Mongol Colloquium, 01–04 February, 2012 (New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts [forthcoming]
Kuehn, S. (2014) “The Dragon Fighter: The Influence of Zoroastrian Ideas on Judaeo-Christian and Islamic Iconography,” in: Zoroastrianism in the Levant, ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 26, 1 and 2 (Leuven: Peeters), 65–101
Kuehn, S. (2014) “Engel im Islam,” in: Engel – himmlische Boten in alten Handschriften. Begleitbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, November 2014 – Januar 2015 [Angels – Celestial Messengers in Ancient Manuscripts. Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Austrian National Library, November 2014 – January 2015], ed. M. Theisen (Berlin: Lambert Schneider), 138–171
Kuehn, S. (2014) (with M. Tütüncü) “Further Notes on the Setting of Veneration for Sari Saltuq Dede,” in: Balkanlara gidişinin 750. yılında Uluslararası Sarı Saltuk Gazi Sempozyumu: bildiriler, 06-10 Kasım 2013, Köstence-Romanya / Uluslararası Sarı Saltuk Gazi Sempozyumu, Constanța, Romania (Trakya Üniversitesi Yayıları: 156, Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü yayını 4, Edirne), 218–237
Kuehn, S. (2014) “Ungeheuer als Träger lebensspendender Macht? Transreligiöse Migrationen einer alten Symbolik im Vorderen Orient (9.–14. Jh.),” in: EOTHEN VI, 168–188
Kuehn, S. (2014) “‘Escaping the Jaws of Death’: Some Visual Conceptualisations in Late Medieval Islamic and Eastern Christian Art,” in: In Umbra: Demonology as a Semiotic System / ДЕМОНОЛОГИЯ КАК СЕМИОТИЧЕСКАЯ СИСТЕМА. АЛЬМАНАХ 3, eds. D. Antonov and O. Khristoforova (Moscow: Indrik), 133–164
Kuehn, S. (2014) “The Dragon in Transcultural Skies: Its Celestial Aspect in the Medieval Islamic World,” in: Spirits in Transcultural Skies, Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context, eds. N. Gutschow and K. Weiler (Heidelberg: Springer), 71–97
Kuehn, S. (2012) “Reverberations of the Life and Work of the Seventeenth-Century Bosnian Shaykh and Poet Hasan Qāʾimī,” in: International Journal for Comparative Philosophy and Mysticism. Transcendent Philosophy Journal 13, 149–176
Kuehn, S. (2009) “On the Role of the Ophidian and the Quadruped Dragon within the Iconography of the Mythological Scheme of the Oxus Civilisation,” in: On the Track of Uncovering a Civilization. A Volume in Honor of the 80th Anniversary of Victor Sarianidi. Transactions of the Margiana Archaeological Expedition, vol. 3 (Moscow-St. Petersburg: Aleteia), 43–67
Kuehn, S. (2007) “Tilework on Funerary Monuments of the 12th to 14th Century in Konya Urgench (Gurganj),” in: Arts of Asia 38/2, 1–18
Kuehn, S. (2006) “Towards the Dragon and the Mythical Bird: Tracing Possible Antecedents for some Elements of Khitan Iconography,” in: Arts of Asia 36/5, 67–88