Conference papers/Invited lectures and talks
Kuehn, S., “‘Vom Schmerz der Gottesliebe verwundet’: Die rosenförmigen Brandmale des Gül Baba,” International Workshop Religion & Emotion: Materielle Praktiken im christlichen, jüdischen und muslimischen Europa der Frühen Neuzeit, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 27 January 2023
Kuehn, S., “The Prophet Muḥammad’s Footprints in Stone, Indian Subcontinent,” panel “Sensing the Divine: Relics, Remains and Traces in Medieval Islam,” VI. Forum Kunst des Mittelalters: Sinne | Senses in cooperation with the Department of Art History, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 29 September–3 October 2022
Kuehn, S., “The ‘Wisdom Book’: A Live Music-Cinema Zoom Performance of a Play in Seven Acts,” ESSWE 8 Western Esotericism and Creativity: Art, Performance and Innovation, 2021 Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE), University College Cork, 5–7 July 2022
Kuehn, S., “The Literal and the Hidden in Some Albanian Bektashi Religious Materialities,” Beyond Karbala: New Approaches to Shiʿi Materiality, a roundtable organized at the 2022 annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Religion (EASR), Cork, Ireland, 27 June–1 July 2022
Kuehn, S., “Contemporary Art and Sufi Aesthetics in European Context,” Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (AIWG) Kongress 2022, Islam in Texten, Normen und Lebenswelten, 23–24 June 2022
Kuehn, S., “The Materiality of Hijra Sufi Identity,” École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris, 6 May 2022
Kuehn, S., “Zenǧīrli šiš and Related Implements: Their Relation to the Rose Bud, Light, Fiery Zeal, and the Burning of the Self in God,” Religion & Emotion: Materielle Praktiken im christlichen, jüdischen und muslimischen Europa der Frühen Neuzeit, Herzog-August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 21–22 March 2022
Kuehn, S., “Transculturality in Europe: Field Research of Contemporary Sufi Communities from the Balkans to Germany,” Field Research in the Study of Religions: An Interdisciplinary Introduction, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 17 December 2021
Kuehn, S., “Bektashi Female Leadership in a Transnational Context: The Spiritual Career of the Only Contemporary Female Dervish,” Sufism and Gender in Contemporary Societies, Centro Studi di Civiltà e Spiritualità Comparate, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, University of Venice, 3–4 December 2021
Kuehn, S., “The Aesthetics of Ottoman Calligraphy: Sufi Symbolism and Spiritual Practice,” Workshop di calligrafia Arabo-Islamica, Centro Studi di Civiltà e Spiritualità Comparate, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, University of Venice, 2 December 2021
Kuehn, S., “On Hybrid Demons and Liminal Monsters at the End of the Islamic World,” Global Eurasia – Comparison and Connectivity, Workshop III: Wanderungen des Wissens und Transformationen von Wissensräumen, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO), Vienna, 4–5 November 2021
Kuehn, S., “Entangled Sanctity: Sarı Saltuk and St. George in the Ottoman Balkans,” Entangled Sufism in (Post-)Ottoman Europe: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches, University of Vienna, 21–23 October 2021
Kuehn, S., “Contemporary Female Teachers in Sufi Belief and Practice: A Western Perspective,” 2nd International Symposium on Alevism-Bektashism, Izmir, 1-2 October 2021
Kuehn, S., “Material Traces of Sufism in Ottoman Hungary,” Materiality of Religion in CEE, University of Szeget, Department of Religious Studies, 24–25 September 2021
Kuehn, S., “Sacred Waterscapes as Ecological Habitats for Endangered Animal Species at Sufi Shrines in the Indian Subcontinent,” 26th European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS), Panel: Designing Water: Morphology, Ecology and Histories of Waterscapes in South Asia, University of Vienna, 26–29 July 2021
Kuehn, S., “Inayati Sufi Living Religious Traditions in Private Museum Contexts,” Religious Materials Emic Perspectives - Etic Constructions - Museum Classifications, Research Network “Dynamics of religious things in museums” (REDIM), Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Religionsforschung (ZIR), Marburg University, 3–6 June 2021
Kuehn, S., “Binding Threads and Expanding Threads: The Interlaced Serpents on the Lining of the so-called Mantle of Roger II (dated 528/1133–4),” Ritual Objects in the Medieval Middle East, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, 24–27 May 2021
Kuehn, S., “Animal Cults, Ecology and Sufism: The Example of Some Sufi Shrines in the Indian Subcontinent,” Religion and the Experience of Nature: Comparative Perspectives, Center for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich, 9–10 April 2021
Kuehn, S., “Extreme Ritual Actions: Pain and Religious Emotions in Rifaʿi Zikr Rituals (Remembrance of God) in Ottoman Turkey,” Religion & Emotion: Materielle Praktiken im christlichen, jüdischen und muslimischen Europa der Frühen Neuzeit, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 1–3 March 2021
Kuehn, S., “Die religiöse Visuelle Kultur von Transgender im Islam: Ein Überblick / The Religious Visual Culture of Transgender in Islam: An Overview,” Department of Art and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 15 December 2020
Kuehn, S., “Ansätze für pluralistisches Denken am Institut für Islamisch-Theologische Studien Wien,“ Podiumsdiskussion, Ringvorlesung: Diversität im Islam, Department of Islamic Theological Studies, University of Vienna, 10 December 2020
Kuehn, S., “‘Spiritual Ideal in Action and Not Just in Words’: Inayati Sufi Transnational ‘Cyber-pedagogy’ of Social Activism,” Universalisations et patrimonialisations du soufisme, École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris, 4 December 2020
Kuehn, S., “The Visual Culture of Sufism in France and Germany,” European Researchers’ Night 2020, 27 November 2020
Kuehn, S., “On Hybrid Demons and Liminal Monsters at the End of the Islamic World,” Global Eurasia – Comparison and Connectivity, Workshop III: Wanderungen des Wissens und Transformationen von Wissensräumen, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO), Vienna, 23–24 November 2020 (postponed)
Kuehn, S., “‘A Real-Life Jātaka Tale’: Seeking Inspiration from the Life of Pīrzadi-Shahīda Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan,” International Conference Female Visions: The Religious Visual Culture of Contemporary Female Islamic Mysticism, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 16–18 October 2020; conference website
Kuehn, S., “Welcome and Introduction,” International Conference Female Visions: The Religious Visual Culture of Contemporary Female Islamic Mysticism, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 16–18 October 2020; conference website
Kuehn, S., “Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Muslim Same-Sex Marriage. Current Debates,” Panel “Ehe im Spannungsverhältnis von Theologie und Gegenwart. Eine Reflexion aus koranischer, überlieferungsgeschichtlicher und islamisch rechtlicher Perspektive.” Kongress-2020 der Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / The Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG) in cooperation with the German Society for Islamic Theology (DEGITS), Frankfurt, 24–26 Sept 2020 (postponed to 2022)
Kuehn, S., “Sensorial experiences of Sari Saltuk’s blessings: Mediation of sacred materiality at the cave sanctuaries on Mt Kruja and Mt Pashtrik in the Western Balkans,” 16th EASA Biennial Conference: New Anthropological Horizons in and beyond Europe, Online Conference Panel P087 “Sensing Divine Presence: Media, Mediation, Materiality,“ Lisbon, 21–24 July 2020
Kuehn, S., “Two recent private religious museums on the living religious traditions of the Bektashi and the Inayati Sufi communities in Europe,” Research Network “Dynamics of religious things in museum” (REDIM), International Workshop Handling religious things: the material and the social in museums, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 10–12 June 2020 (postponed)
Kuehn, S., “‘A Real-Life Jātaka Tale’: Seeking Inspiration from the Life of Pīrzadi-Shahīda Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan,” International Conference Female Visions: The Religious Visual Culture of Contemporary Female Islamic Mysticism, Weingarten, 3–5 April 2020 (postponed)
Kuehn, S., “Spiritual Ecology: The Veneration of ‘Sacred’ Animals at Sufi Shrines in Bangladesh,” Ninth Biennial Convention of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS), University of Chicago Center in New Delhi, 11–13 March 2020 (postponed)
Kuehn, S., “Transculturality in Europe: Insights into Contemporary Sufi Communities from the Balkans to Germany,” Department of Islamic Studies and the International Centre for Spiritual Studies, Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST), Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, 7 March 2020
Kuehn, S., “Die Visuelle Kultur des Sufismus in Europa,” Sufismus in Europa, Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh), Universität Tübingen, 28 January 2020
Kuehn, S., “Die visuelle Welt von transgender Personen im Islam: Darstellungen und Einblicke in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / The Visual World of Transgender Persons in Islam: Re-Presentations and Insights in Past and Present,” Department of Art and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 3 December 2019
Kuehn, S., “Piercing the Skin: Materializing the Sensory in Rifāʿī and Saʿdī Dhikr Rituals (Remembrance of God),” Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Conference 2019, Panel “Beyond Islamic Art: New Approaches to the Material Culture of the Middle East,” New Orleans, 14–17 November 2019
Kuehn, S., “The Aesthetics of Ottoman Calligraphy: Its Iconic and Pictorial Quality,” Workshop di Calligrafia Araba-Islamica, Centro Studi di Civiltà e Spiritualità Comparate, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, 5 November 2019
Kuehn, S., “Träger lebensspendender und todbringender Macht: Mischwesen in der mittelalterlichen Kunst der islamischen Welt und des östlichen Christentums,” Ringvorlesung: Monster, Chimären und andere Mischwesen in den Text- und Bildwelten der Vormoderne, Universität Würzburg, 29 October 2019
Kuehn, S., “Binding Threads and Expanding Threads: The Interlaced Serpents on the Lining of the so-called Mantle of Roger II (528/1133–4),” Threads of Tradition – Textile Metaphors, Workshop, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 28–29 October 2019
Kuehn, S., “Schönheit im Islam: Die allegorische Abhandlung von Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyā Suhrawardī,“ Herbstzyklus 2019: Wege der Liebe, Haus des Friedens, Vienna, 10 October 2019
Kuehn, S., “Kruja: The ‘Revival' of the City’s 366 Bektashi Saints’ Tombs,” Troisièmes Rencontres d’Etudes Balkaniques / Villes des Balkans : Échelles locales, nationales, globales, MuCEM (Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée), Marseille, 13–14 September 2019
Kuehn, S., “Pain as a Form of Piety in Rifāʿī Self-Mortification Rituals: The Role of the Body in ‘Training the Soul’ (Riyāḍat al-Nafs),” Sufism and the Body, International Conference in the framework of ERC Project The Senses of Islam (SENSIS), Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University, 12–13 September 2019
Kuehn, S., “On the Visual Materiality of Practice of Alevi Communities in Germany,” 9th European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS), Societas Iranologica Europaea (SIE), Freie Universität Berlin, 9–11 September 2019
Kuehn, S., “Spiritual Ecology: The Veneration of Bayazid Bistami’s ‘Holy’ Turtles in Chittagong, Bangladesh,” The 8th SSEASR Conference (South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion) of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), Member of CIPSH under the Auspices of UNESCO, “Connecting Cultures of South and Southeast Asia,” Dhaka, 12–16 June 2019
Kuehn, S., “‘I am the City of Knowledge and ʿAlī is its Gate’: On Contemporary Sufi Visual and Material Ascetic Practice in Southeastern Europe,” Centre for Studies in Social Sciences and Jadunath Bhavan Museum and Resource Centre (JBMRC), Kolkata, 11 June 2019
Kuehn, S., “Gendering Devotion: Inayati Female Visions in Austria and Germany,” Women’s Studies Department, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 6 June 2019
Kuehn, S., “The Meeting of Khidr and Ilyas: A Transreligious Heritage in the Mediterranean,” Paylaşilan Kutsal Mekânlar / Shared Sacred Spaces, International Workshop, DEPO İstanbul, Tophane, 20 April 2019
Kuehn, S., “Some Thoughts on the Visual Materiality of Practice in Sufi Contexts,” Seminar, Institut d’ethnologie méditerranéenne, européenne et comparative (IDEMEC)-Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme (MMSH) / Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Aix-en-Provence, 11 January 2019
Kuehn, S., “Mystische Dimensionen des Islams,” Ringvorlesung: Diversität im Islam, Institut für Islamisch-Theologische Studien, Universität Wien, 30 October 2018
Kuehn, S., “Ṣarī Ṣaltūq’s Role and Function in the Sacred Topography of the Balkans: Mediation and Negotiation in Inter-Religious Contact Zones,” Prophéties et Saintetés en Islam, International Workshop, The Nantes Institute for Advanced Study, 13–14 March 2018
Kuehn, S., “A Supernatural Creature in a Transcultural and Transreligious Framework: The Case of the so-called ‘Sēnmurw’,” Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo, 26 January 2018
Kuehn, S., “Traditions of Divine Service of the Sufi Orders in the Balkans: On Forms of Loud Dhikr (Remembrance of God),” Strange Sounds: Auditory Connections to the Other World「異音―この世ならざるものとつながる音」, International Workshop, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, 20 January 2018
Kuehn, S., “Taming the Animal Soul (Nafs): Esoteric Meaning in Sufi Visual Symbolism in the Western Balkans,” 10th MINPAKU Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, 5 December 2017
Kuehn, S., “‘A Dervish is Covered with a Thousand and One Signs’: ‘Para-nomian’ and ‘Supra-nomian’ Embodiments of the ‘Fools for God’,” Topography of Wonders and the Uncanny 「驚異と怪異の場」, International Symposium, Keio University, Tokyo, 3 November 2017
Kuehn, S., “Essential Characteristics of the Topography of Shared Sacred Spaces,” Shared Sacred Spaces in the Balkans and the Mediterranean, Exhibition / International Workshop, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Yeni Cami, Thessaloniki, 23–24 September 2017
Kuehn, S., “Hārūt and Mārūt in a Sufi Context: The Deliverance of the Fallen Angels,” Quran and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective, International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Berlin, 07–11 August 2017
Kuehn, S., “On the Visual Materiality of Practice in the Balkans,” Department of Religious Studies, University of Vienna, 12 January 2017
Kuehn, S., “The Materiality of Spiritual Ascent in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Near East,” Mysticism in Comparative Perspective, Mystical Theology Network (MTN), Glasgow University, 14–16 December 2016
Kuehn, S., “On the Visual Materiality of Practice in the Balkans,” The Nantes Institute for Advanced Study, 28 November 2016
Kuehn, S., “The Theriaca in the Kitāb al-diryāq,” International Workshop on the Kitāb al-diryāq A.F.10, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien (Austrian National Library), 17–18 November 2016
Kuehn, S., “On the First Chapter of the Book of Galinus/Jālīnūs,” International Workshop on the Kitāb al-diryāq A.F.10, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien (Austrian National Library), 17–18 November 2016
Kuehn, S., “Ophidian Traces in the Pre-Islamic Iranian Pantheon,” Art and Religions in Pre-Islamic Central Asia, Polish Institute of World Art Studies, Krakow, 24–26 October 2016
Kuehn, S., “‘In Power the Emperor is like unto God’: Ideological Trappings of the Pre-Mongol Sculptural Reliefs of Vladimir-Suzdal‘. Solomon, David, Alexander the Great and the Beastly Court,” Influence and Exchange in the Twelfth-Century ‘Greater Europe’: People, Images and Knowledge, International Conference of the Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau (DHI), Max Weber Stiftung, and Center for Medieval Research at Moscow Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 13–15 October 2016
Kuehn, S., “The Ophidian Genius in the Roman Domestic Cult,” The Materiality of Divine Agency in the Graeco-Roman World, Postgraduate Workshop at the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt, Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, University of Erfurt, 2 September 2016
Kuehn, S., “Die transkulturelle und transreligiöse Dimension des ‘Sēnmurw’,” Drachenlandung. Ein neu erworbenes Aquamanile des 12. Jahrhunderts im Dommuseum Hildesheim, International Symposium, Dommuseum Hildesheim, 17–18 June, 2016
Kuehn, S., “Confessional Identity Formation in the Inter-Religious Contact-Zones in the Balkans as Medium of a Common Conceptual Vocabulary and Shared ‘Text’ of Different Interpretative Communities,” The Balkans – Past and Present: Mutual Influences and Interactions, 5th International Balkan Annual Conference (IBAC), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Istanbul University, Sofia, 26–28 November 2015
Kuehn, S., “The Asrār al-tawḥīd on the Architectural Decoration of the Mausoleum of the Great Shaykh Abū Sa‛īd ibn Abī 'l-Khair Maihanī in Northern Khurasan,” Dialogue of the Cultures on the Great Silk Road, State Institute of Cultural Heritage of Turkmenistan, Central Asia and the East and the Turkmenistan Ministry of Culture, Ashgabat, 11–13 November 2015
Kuehn, S., “The Primordial Cycle Revisited: Adam, Eve and the Angels,” Angels and Mankind: Nature, Role and Function of Celestial Beings in Near Eastern and Islamic Traditions, International Conference, Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB), 02–04 July 2015
Kuehn, S., “Oneiric Horizons and Cross-Cultural Convergences? Ṣarī Ṣaltūq Once More,” Lieux saints en Méditerranée. Entre partage et partition, International Conference, MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations), Marseille, 03–05 June 2015
Kuehn, S., “Footprints and Miraculous Journeys: The Archetypal Missionary Warrior,” Constructing and Contesting Holy Places in Medieval Islam and Beyond, International Conference, University of Edinburgh, 15–17 June 2015
Kuehn, S., “Twelver Shi'i Components in Contemporary Bektashi Visual Piety in the Western Balkans?: A Note on Bektashi Visual Culture,” Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Iranian Studies, 12 February 2015
Kuehn, S., “The Iconography of Cosmic Rulership in the Medieval Islamic World,” Insignes et lieux de pouvoir, Histoire et archéologie de l’Islam et de la Méditerranée médiévale, Institut de recherche sur Byzance, l’Islam et la Méditerranée au Moyen Âge (IRBIMMA), Sorbonne, Paris, 14 January 2015
Kuehn, S., “‘Ganymede and the Eagle’: Variations of an Airborne Theme in the Iranian World?,” The Visual World of Persianate Culture, International Conference, University of Edinburgh, 24–26 October 2014
Kuehn, S., “On the Iconographic Theme and the Cross-Cultural Diffusion of the ‘Sēnmurv’,” The 1st Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology, Palacký University Olomouc, 25–27 September 2014
Kuehn, S., “Vestiges of the Ourobóros in the Medieval Islamic Visual Tradition,” 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), University of Basel, 09–13 June 2014
Kuehn, S., “Iconographic Expressions of Muslim Mysticism: The Case of the Western Balkans,” NEC-Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest, 21 May 2014
Kuehn, S., “The Interplay of the Angels and the Prophet Muḥammad in the Earliest Images of the Prophet in Islamic Art,” 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Medieval Institute, College of Arts and Sciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, 08–11 May 2014
Kuehn, S., “Towards a Pluridimensional Reading of Some Symbols and Imageries Employed by Present-Day Mystical Confraternities in the Western Balkans,” Annual Meeting of EURIAS Fellows, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, 25–26 April 2014
Kuehn, S., “The Dragon Fighter in Eastern Christian and Islamic Art,” American University of Beirut (AUB) Archaeological Museum, Beirut, 26 March 2014
Kuehn, S., “The Itinerant Antinomian Dervish: Reflections in 16th- and 17th-Century Mughal Miniatures in the Context of Indo-Iranian Traditions,” Historical & Cultural (Indo-Persian) Relations of India, Iran and Central Asia: Centuries of Continuity, International Conference, Department of Persian, Guwahati University, Assam, 06–08 February 2014
Kuehn, S., “Monsters as Bearers of Life-Giving Powers? Trans-Religious Migrations of an Ancient Western Asian Symbolism (9th to 14th Century CE),” Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, 04 February 2014
Kuehn, S., “Animals as Agents of Symbolic Metamorphoses in the External (Dis)guise of the Antinomian Dervish in Pre-Modern Visual Culture,” Le bestiaire des prophètes et des saints de l’Islam, International Workshop organized by CNRS, GSRL and CETOBAC, Collège de France, Paris, 06 December 2013
Kuehn, S., and Tütüncü, M., “Balkanlarda Yaşayan Sarı Saltuk: Günümüzde Sarı Saltuk’un Balkan Ülkelerindeki önemi ve algısı üzerine,” Balkanlara Gidişinin 750. Yılında: Uluslararası Sarı Saltuk Gazi Sempozyumu organized by T.C. Trakya Üniversitesi and Tika T.C. Başbakanlik, Constanta, 6–10 November 2013
Kuehn, S., “Further Notes on the Setting for the Veneration of Ṣarī Ṣaltūq Dede,” Scientific Readings in the Memory of Usein Bodaninskiy in Bakchisaray, Crimea, Ukraine, CRI “Bakhchisaray Historical and Cultural Preserve” and the Institute of Archaeology of the Ukraine (NAS), Bakhchisaray, Crimea, 23–27 October 2013
Kuehn, S., “Pilgrimage as Muslim Religious Commemoration: The Case of Ajvatovica in Bosnia-Herzegovina,” Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe, Workshop, University of Bergen, Centre for Middle East and Islamic Studies, Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, 03–04 October 2013
Kuehn, S., “Contemporary Bektashi Visual Piety in the Western Balkans,” Sixth Biennial Convention of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS), Bosniak Institute (Bošnjački Institut), Sarajevo, 02–06 September 2013
Kuehn, S., “Symbolic Characteristics of the Practice of Spiritual Retreat (Khalwa) in the Teachings of Sayyid Yaḥyā al-Shirwānī al-Bākūbī and His Spiritual Lineage,” Proceedings in Celebration of the 550th Anniversary of the Birth of Seyyid Yahya Bakuvi, National Academy of Sciences Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, 02–03 July 2013
Kuehn, S., “Ungeheuer als Träger lebensspendender Macht? Transreligiöse Migrationen einer alten Symbolik im Vorderen Orient (9.–14. Jh.),” Department of Art History, University of Vienna, 19 February 2013
Kuehn, S., “Escaping the “Jaws of Death”: Some Visual Conceptualisations in Late Medieval Islamic and Eastern Christian Art,” Orient Institut Beirut (OIB), 22 January 2013
Kuehn, S., “On Beauty in the ‘Illuminist Vision’ of Suhrawardī Maqtūl,” Aesthetics of the Sublime: Religious Texts and Rhetorical Theory, invited speaker, International Workshop, Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB) and Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” (Heidelberg University), Cairo, 15–17 December 2012
Kuehn, S., “The Jaws of Life or of Death in Islamic and Eastern Christian Art (10th–13th Centuries),” The Ninth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference, The International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS) and the Iran Heritage Foundation (IHF), Istanbul, 01–05 August 2012
Kuehn, S., “The Lupine Steppe Dragon Revisited: Its Representative Role on 3rd- to 1st-Century BC Pastoral Paraphernalia from Rostov Province to South Central and Western Siberia,” 55th Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC), Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, 22–27 July 2012
Kuehn, S., “The Dragon in Medieval Islamic Astrology and Its Indian and Iranian Influences,” India-Mongol Relations – Some Unexplored Areas of Research, The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, 01–04 February 2012
Kuehn, S., “The Dragon in Transcultural Skies: Its Celestial Aspect in the Medieval Islamic World,” Spirits in Transcultural Skies, International Workshop, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” University of Heidelberg, 30 June–02 July 2011
Kuehn, S., “The Tilework of the Mausoleum of the Great Shaykh Abū Sa‛īd ibn Abī 'l-Khair Maihanī in Northern Khurasan,” The Ancient Material Culture of Turkmenistan and Its Place in the Development of World Civilization, State Institute of Cultural Heritage of Turkmenistan, Central Asia and the East, Ashgabat, 07–08 March 2011
Kuehn, S., “The Makara and the Yaksha in Kushan-Period Gandhara,” The European Association of South Asian Archaeology and Art (EASAA), University of Vienna, Department of Art History, 04–10 July 2010
Kuehn, S., “The Dragon Fighter: The Influence of Zoroastrian Ideas on Judaeo-Christian and Islamic Iconography,” Zoroastrianism in the Levant, ARAM Twenty Eighth International Conference, University of Oxford, The Oriental Institute, 05–07 July 2010
Kuehn, S., “The Reliefs of the Çifte Minare Madrasa at Erzurum as Image Vehicles of Islamic and East Christian Artistic Transfer?,” Cultural and Artistic Transfer in the Christian Middle East. Beyond Byzantium: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives, Society for Renaissance Studies and the University of York, 15–17 July 2010
Kuehn, S., “Towards the Devouring and Issuing Aspect of the Dragon Iconography in the Iranian World, the Caucasus and Eastern Anatolia/Jazira from the 10th to the 13th Century: Some Preliminary Reflections,” panel The Turkic World, the Caucasus and Iran–Crossroads of Civilizational Interaction, organized by Iran and the Caucasus (Brill), the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, and the National Academy of Sciences, RA, Yerevan, 10–12 July 2009
Kuehn, S., “Towards the Serpent-Dragon Iconography in the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex,” invited speaker, The Turkmen Land as a Centre of Ancient Cultures and Civilizations, State Institute of Cultural Heritage of Turkmenistan, Central Asia and the East and the Turkmenistan Ministry of Culture, Ashgabat, 01–03 October 2008
Kuehn, S., “Tilework on 12th- to 14th-Century Funerary Monuments in Urgench (Gurganj),” invited speaker, Kunya Urgench: Resources and Partnerships for Preservation and Conservation of World Heritage in Central Asia, The Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO, Ashgabat and Kunya Urgench (World Heritage site), Ashgabat, 01–03 May 2006
Conferences and panels organized or chaired
Convener, paper presentation, and discussant of Art, Aesthetics and Islamic Mysticism: Contemporary Perspectives. Drawing on recent methodological tendencies inspired by the ‘aesthetic turn’, this two-day interdisciplinary conference will focus on the aesthetic engagement of contemporary artists with Sufi practices, rituals, and discourses. The conference is convened by the Department for Interreligious Dialogue, Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, and the Center for Islamic Theology (ZITh), Tübingen University, 30–31 March 2023
Organizer and chair, panel “Sensing the Divine: Relics, Remains and Traces in Medieval Islam,” 6th Forum Medieval Art “Sinne / Senses” in cooperation with the Department of Art History, University Frankfurt am Main, 28 Sept.–1 Oct. 2022
Collaborator at Paylaşılan Kutsal Mekânlar / Shared Sacred Spaces: exhibition and workshop, Anadolu Kültür, in collaboration with the French Institute and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Cermodern in Ankara, 3 May–4 July 2021. The “Shared Sacred Spaces” project highlights the multisensory experience of pilgrimage, as seen through the lens of the three major Abrahamic religions
Convener, paper presentation, artists’ panel, and discussant, Female Visions: The Religious Visual Culture of Contemporary Female Islamic Mysticism. Drawing on recent literature regarding the visual-material turn in the study of religion, this conference assessed the role of women in Sufism in a three-day international interdisciplinary conference in collaboration with the Center of Islamic Theology, University of Tübingen, the Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, and the Institut d’ethnologie méditerranéenne européenne et comparative (IDEMEC) / Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)), Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 3–5 of April (postponed), rescheduled 16–18 October 2020
Panel chair and discussant, panel on Religionsästhetische und -philosophische Überlegungen / Aesthetics and Philosophy of Religion: Some Considerations: international workshop Mit der Zeit gehen: Chancen und Herausforderungen einer Alevitischen Theologie in Europa (Move with the Times: Opportunities and Challenges of an Alevi Theology in Europe), Department of Islamic Theological Studies, University of Vienna, 5–7 February 2020
Co-organizer with Doris Guth, Die visuelle Welt von transgender Personen im Islam: Darstellungen und Einblicke in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / The Visual World of Transgender Persons in Islam: Re-Presentations and Insights in Past and Present: Department of Art and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 3 December 2019
Collaborator at Paylaşilan Kutsal Mekânlar / Shared Sacred Spaces: exhibition and workshop, Anadolu Kültür, in collaboration with the French Institute and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, DEPO İstanbul, Tophane, 20 April 2019
Co-organizer with Doris Guth, Gender, Religion und visuelle Kultur im Islam / Gender, Religion and Visual Culture in Islam: workshop at the Department of Art and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 11 December 2018
Co-organizer with Gabriel S. Reynolds, Ahmed Ouldali, and Mathias B. Savadogo, Prophéties et Sainteté en Islam: International Colloquium, The Nantes Institute for Advanced Study and Lieu Unique, Nantes, keynote speaker Pierre Lory, 13–14 March 2018
Collaborator at Confluence of Faiths: Shared Sacred Spaces: exhibition and workshop, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Photography Thessaloniki, and Yeni Cami, 23 September–31 December 2017 as well as the 2017 Thessaloniki Biennale, 30 September 2017–14 January 2018
Co-organizer and chair with Hans-Peter Pökel, panel on The Angels of Babylon and the ῾Demonic Mimesis᾽ of Temptation. Hārūt and Mārūt in (the Light of) Near Eastern Traditions: International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Berlin, 07–11 August 2017
Co-organizer with Stefan Leder and Hans-Peter Pökel, Angels and Mankind: Nature, Role and Function of Celestial Beings in Near Eastern and Islamic Traditions: international conference with 18 presentations at the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB), the Monastery of Balamand and the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, University of Balamand (UOB), Koura, 02–04 July 2015
Co-organizer with Dionigi Albera and Manoël Pénicaud, Lieux saints en Méditerranée. Entre partage et partition, international conference with 18 presentations, at the Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM), Marseille, 03–05 June 2015